Cathy's latest album "Christmas" is $15.00 plus 3.50 for postage. Also, at Amazon, i-Tunes, Barnes & and Spotify.
This album is dedicated to the memory of John Denver
Special Thanks to: Chris Nole, Pete Huttlinger, Brian Fullen, Byron House, Jim Horn and
Jim Connor, life-long friend of John Denver’s and writer of Grandma’s Feather Bed! It was a great honor to record with these fantastic musicians! Special Thanks to: audio engineers Matte Legge, Micah Tanner, Chris Nole, for digital editing, mixing, mastering, Erik Wolf for mastering, Robin Ruddy and Larry Sheridan of The Parlor Studio, Mary and Bill Schott for their picture of Maroon Bells and photographer Terri Daigrepont for photo of Cathy on CD cover.
CD's available at Amazon, Barnes &
Listen to more at i Tunes, Spotify, Cathy's Facebook Music Page and her You Tube Channel.
To order CD’s directly from Cathy, send her a message on CONTACT page. Thank you! Love Song A Tribute to John Denver is $15.00 plus $3.50 for postage and handling.
A Matter of Faith is $17.00, plus $3.50 for postage & handling.